Press Releases
Press Release 28/02/2022
Strengthened Climate Commitment with Progress in Decarbonisation Investments Group Earnings Lower Despite Robust Operations and Strong Hong Kong Performance
CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) today announced its 2021 Annual Results. Operating earnings decreased 17.8% to HK$9,517 million from 2020, while total earnings fell 25.9% to HK$8,491 million. The drop in total earnings was primarily due to significantly lower earnings from the generation portfolio of EnergyAustralia and high coal prices in Mainland China. There were also several one-off charges including the settlement of a long-running litigation in Australia and costs in ensuring the safe operation of the Yallourn mine following the impact caused by extreme weather.
Press Release 02/08/2021
CLP Demonstrates Operational Resilience and Progress in Decarbonisation in 2021 First Half
CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) announced today the Group’s operating earnings for the first half of 2021 were HK$5,698 million, a decrease of 7.0% from the same period of 2020. Total earnings decreased 23.2% to HK$4,615 million after one-off charges were booked in its Australian business to settle a longstanding litigation and to provision for the cost of ensuring safe operations in the Yallourn mine following the impact of the recent extreme rainfall.
Press Release 19/05/2021
CLP Holdings Releases 2021 Quarterly Statement (January – March)
The 2021 Quarterly Statement (January – March) of CLP Holdings Limited has been released. The same Statement will be dispatched to shareholders on 27 May 2021.
Press Release 23/02/2021
CLP Reports Resilient 2020 Business Performance amid COVID-19 Accelerating Energy Transition towards Decarbonisation Targets
CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) announced today the Group’s operating earnings for 2020 increased 4.1% to HK$11,577 million compared with the same period a year ago. Total earnings rose significantly to HK$11,456 million from 2019 when an impairment of goodwill was booked in the Australian business.
Press Release 21/10/2020
CLP Holdings Releases 2020 Quarterly Statement (January – September)
The 2020 Quarterly Statement (January – September) of CLP Holdings Limited has been released. The same Statement will be dispatched to shareholders on 29 October 2020.
Press Release 03/08/2020
CLP’s 2020 First-half Business Performance Broadly in Line with Last Year
CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) announced today the Group’s operating earnings for the first half of 2020 were HK$6,129 million, an increase of 12% compared to the same period of 2019. While the underlying performance of its operations remained stable, the increase in earnings was primarily due to positive changes in the fair value of energy hedging contracts. Total earnings were HK$6,010 million as compared to a loss of HK$907 million in 2019 following the impairment of goodwill in the Australian business.
Press Release 11/05/2020
CLP Holdings Releases 2020 Quarterly Statement (January – March)
The 2020 Quarterly Statement (January - March) of CLP Holdings Limited has been released. The same Statement will be dispatched to shareholders on 21 May 2020.
Press Release 11/04/2020
Statement on fake mobile application in Mainland China
It has come to the attention of CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) that some unidentified parties have made use of the Chinese name of the Group “中電控股” and corporate logo to set up a fake mobile application in Mainland China, with the intention of soliciting financial investments.
Press Release 24/02/2020
Earnings Recalibrated While Strong Fundamentals Support Long-term Outlook
CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) today announced its 2019 Annual Results. Operating earnings decreased 20.5% to HK$11,121 million, reflecting the expected lower permitted rate of return in Hong Kong, a reduction in its share of earnings in India following the strategic partial-divestment, and the continued challenges in Australia. Earnings in Mainland China and Southeast Asia were higher. The Board is recommending a fourth interim dividend for 2019 of HK$1.19 per share. Total dividends per share for 2019 are HK$3.08, an increase of 2.0% from 2018.
Press Release 02/01/2020
CLP Holdings Limited Announces Continuing Connected Transactions
CLP Holdings Limited today announced a number of continuing connected transactions between the CSG Group and the CLP Group in accordance with the Listing Rules. These transactions were entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of the CLP Group. Please refer to our announcement to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong for details.