Company News
Press Release 25/02/2013
CLP Holdings Limited Announces 2012 Annual Results
Highlights: Good performance from Hong Kong, China and, Southeast Asia and Taiwan, impacted by earnings decline in Australia and India, resulting in a 8.8% drop in group operating earnings to HK$9,406 million (2011: HK$10,312 million) Total earnings affected by one-off events, especially Yallourn mine flood and Jhajjar coal shortages, with total earnings after one-off items decreasing by 10.5% to HK$8,312 million (2011: HK$9,288 million) Our electricity business in Hong Kong remained stable, with operating earnings increasing by 5.0% to HK$6,654 million (2011: HK$6,339 million) Improved second half performance, remediation at Yallourn and initial coal imports at Jhajjar Investment opportunities focus on gas infrastructure, Fangchenggang and renewable energy Share placing of HK$7.56 billion of net proceeds in December 2012 strengthened balance sheet to support future growth Fourth interim dividend of HK$0.98 per share; including the first three interim dividends paid, total dividends for 2012 increased to HK$2.57 per share (2011: HK$2.52 per share)
Press Release 20/12/2012
CLP completes placing and issue of shares under General Mandate
CLP Holdings Limited announces today it has completed the placing and issue of shares in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Placing Agreement entered into by CLP Holdings in relation to the Placing on 13 December 2012.
Press Release 13/12/2012
CLP enters into a placing agreement for the issue of shares under its General Mandate
CLP Holdings Limited announces today it has entered into a placing agreement and, subject to completion, it will be issuing new shares under its General Mandate. The Placing Shares represent (i) approximately 5.00% of the existing issued share capital of the Company (consisting of 2,406,143,400 Shares in issue as at the date of this announcement); and (ii) approximately 4.76% of the Company's issued share capital as enlarged by the Placing.
Press Release 27/11/2012
CLP Clinches Top Honours in Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Awards
CLP Holdings is pleased to announce that it has won the highest honour in the acclaimed Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Awards 2012, organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, for the tenth successive year, highlighting the company's strong disclosure culture and informative annual report.
Press Release 15/10/2012
CLP Holdings Limited Releases Quarterly Statement of 2012 (January-September)
The 2012 Quarterly Statement (January-September) of CLP Holdings Limited has been released. The same Statement will be dispatched to shareholders on 26 Oct 2012.
Press Release 14/08/2012
CLP Holdings Limited Announces 2012 Interim Results
In the first half of 2012, the Group’s operating earnings fell 22.4% to HK$3,897 million, compared with HK$5,025 million in the same period in 2011, mainly attributable to the unfavourable mark-to-market movements of energy contracts in Australia. The Group’s total earnings, including one-off items, were HK$3,356 million, a decline of HK$2,444 million, or 42.1%, from 2011.
Press Release 27/02/2012
CLP Holdings Limited Announces 2011 Annual Results
CLP achieved a solid performance in 2011 with the Group’s operating earnings at HK$10,312 million, a 12.7% increase compared to HK$9,148 million in 2010. Group total earnings, including non-recurring items, were 10.1% lower than those of the previous year at HK$9,288 million.
Press Release 17/10/2011
CLP Holdings Limited Releases Quarterly Statement of 2011 (January-September)
The 2011 Quarterly Statement (January-September) of CLP Holdings Limited has been released. The same Statement will be dispatched to shareholders on 31 Oct 2011.
Press Release 10/10/2011
CLP Holdings ranks first for sustainability and disclosure in Asia
CLP is pleased to announce that the company received top rank in the 2011 Asian Sustainability Rating™ (ASR™) for its sustainable practices and proactive disclosure of environment, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Press Release 06/10/2011
Jiangbian Hydro Power Project Bears Witness to CLP’s Commitment to Clean Energy
Jiangbian Hydro Power Project Bears Witness to CLP’s Commitment to Clean Energy06/10/2011CLP’s first wholly-owned Greenfield hydro power project in Mainland China, Jiangbian Hydro Power Station, officially entered commercial operation. The project is the latest asset added to our renewable energy portfolio in Chinese Mainland and will contribute to the Group’s efforts towards a low-carbon power business in the Asia Pacific region.