Managing Director – China Mr Chan Siu Hung meets with Chairman Qian Chaoyang of Shanghai Electric Power

On 5 July 2019, Managing Director – China of CLP Holdings Limited Mr Chan Siu Hung met with Mr Qian Chaoyang, Chairman of State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (Shanghai Electric Power) in Shanghai.

Mr Chan noted that the power reliability of Shanghai Electric Power exceeded 99.99% in the first half year, fully demonstrating the industry leadership of the company. Built upon the good cooperation foundation and history between CLP and Shanghai Electric Power, the two were expected to further strengthen communication and cooperation in more fields. Chairman Qian noted that Shanghai Electric Power and CLP were close partners lasting for years, and the two were expected to expand exchange in management, technology, and leader development, and expand cooperation in technologies and projects.

Mr Chan Siu Hung (left) met with Chairman Qian Chaoyang